Terms and Conditions


A registration fee in the amount of $25.00 plus the extra option you may choose will be charged to the student. This fee includes all required instructional materials and needs to be paid prior to course completion.


Cheaper Faster Easier Texas / COURSE PROVIDER, offers a course composed of 5 chapters/sections/part totaling 6 hours of instruction.

The course will be available to the students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This availability may be affected by circumstances such as, but not limited to: system, site or connectivity failure over which the COURSE PROVIDER has no control.


The COURSE PROVIDER prescribes minimum hardware and software requirements for completing the course. Minimum browser requirements are the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) 9.0 or greater,


The STUDENT agrees to complete all phases of the approved curriculum. The COURSE PROVIDER is prohibited from issuing a certificate of completion if the STUDENT has not met all the requirements for course completion and a STUDENT shall not accept a certificate under such circumstances.

STUDENT may be required to pay fees to COURSE PROVIDER if through no fault of COURSE PROVIDER, STUDENT requests a duplicate and/or reissue of the original certificate of completion.

Note: As per Texas law Chapter 176, Subchapter BBB, 176.1117, Section 17 The fee for a duplicate uniform certificate of course completion is $10.


The STUDENT agrees that they may not be certified or given credit for the course unless they score 70% or higher on each chapter/section/part quiz.


The STUDENT agrees that HE/SHE, and not any other person, will study the material in its entirety and complete the chapter quizzes. It is illegal to attempt to circumvent this online state-approved course or provide false information. If the COURSE PROVIDER discovers that the STUDENT has willfully misrepresented himself or has cheated, the STUDENT will be stopped from taking the course with no refund of the registration fees. In addition, the STUDENT may be prosecuted for perjury and other criminal acts which are punishable by law.


A full refund, minus a $10.00 processing fee, will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract within 30 days of registering for the course and prior to completion of course. The COURSE PROVIDER will terminate, without notice, the enrollment of any student who has not successfully completed the course within 180 days. All registration fees paid are due and refundable when the course of instruction is discontinued by the COURSE PROVIDER, preventing a student from completing the course, or the enrollment of the student was procured as a result of any misrepresentation in advertising, promotional materials of the COURSE PROVIDER, or representation made by the owner or employee of the COURSE PROVIDER. All refunds will be issued within 30 days following receipt of a permissible request for cancellation.


The COURSE PROVIDER is the sole owner of the information collected on this site. The COURSE PROVIDER collects information from its users at several different points on the website. The COURSE PROVIDER will not use or sell this information to promote products or services unrelated to this traffic safety course.


STUDENT represents and warrants that the user information and registration information provided by STUDENT is true and correct, and acknowledges that the truth and accuracy of such information is a material inducement to COURSE PROVIDER in permitting STUDENT to enroll in the course. STUDENT further acknowledges and agrees that any willful or intentional misrepresentation by STUDENT regarding such user information or registration information constitutes a breach of this agreement and of the representations and warranties by STUDENT as provided in this agreement, and may subject student to liability for damages incurred by COURSE PROVIDER as a result thereof, including but not limited to general, consequential, and punitive damages.


STUDENT acknowledges and agrees that the liability of COURSE PROVIDER and their agents and employees for any act, omission to act, or negligence on the part of COURSE PROVIDER and their agents and employees, is strictly limited to and shall not exceed the amount of the registration fee actually paid by STUDENT.

STUDENT understands that for student validation purposes, the COURSE PROVIDER will access one or more public databases in order to extract driver’s license and vehicle registration information. STUDENT authorizes the SCHOOL to access this information under the condition that it be used for the exclusive purpose of student validation.

This agreement constitutes the entire contract between the SCHOOL and the STUDENT, and any oral assurances or promises not contained herein shall not bind the SCHOOL or the STUDENT. If any provision of this agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, the remaining terms and conditions shall nevertheless be of full force and effect. STUDENT further acknowledges that any grievances not resolved by the SCHOOL may be forwarded to the Cheaper Faster Easier Texas Course, by contacting us at 800-554-4912.

1. Authorization

You may only order your own personal driving record through our website. Anyone attempting to access driving records other than their own may be subject to severe penalties under applicable federal and state law. Submitting a driver record request to Cheaper Faster Easier Texas authorizes Cheaper Faster Easier Texas to provide you with a copy of your current driver's record. Driver record information is obtained directly from the state agency and/or third party provider. Cheaper Faster Easier Texas makes every effort to provide you with the most up to date and accurate information, but some portions of your driving record may be out of date or incorrect. Cheaper Faster Easier Texas nor its affiliated companies, officers, directors, employees, agents, information providers or suppliers attests to the accuracy, timeliness or reliability of the data on provided driver record and shall not be liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, timeliness or reliability of information contained therein.

2. Information Source and Accuracy

Information provided on your driving record is obtained from various state agencies and service bureaus. Cheaper Faster Easier Texas attempts to insure the accuracy of transmission and data, the reports are provided "as is". Cheaper Faster Easier Texas nor its affiliated companies, officers, directors, employees, agents, information providers or suppliers in no way assumes liability for the accuracy and/or completeness of any information report provided on your driving record.

3. Indemnification

When submitting a request for your driving record through Cheaper Faster Easier Texas, you agree that you will indemnify and hold harmless Cheaper Faster Easier Texas, its affiliated companies and their officers, directors, employees and shareholders from any and all damages, fines, penalties or any other liabilities imposed by local, state or federal laws or regulations or claimed by any third party, including attorneys fees, which result from or arise out of your providing your personal data or information, or your use of the driving records which are provided by Cheaper Faster Easier Texas.

4. Service Agreement

I agree to abide by all applicable local, state and federal laws with regard to the driving record I am ordering and will not share this information with any third parties.

By using this website or our phone ordering system, you further certify that: the information you obtain from us will be used by you (and by any party to whom you furnish information) only for "permissible purposes" as defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Under Section 621 (a) (2) (A) of the FCRA - any person who violates any of the provisions of the FCRA may be liable for a civil penalty of not more than a two year jail sentence and $2,500 per violation. You agree not to use the data obtained through Cheaper Faster Easier Texas for any unlawful purposes, including but not limited to violations of state and federal employment laws and provisions applicable to the FCRA and you understand that our systems or those of the Department may experience occasional downtime due to maintenance, network connectivity or other issues.

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